Start to declutter your life by getting rid of the old to make room for the new

Start to declutter your life by getting rid of the old to make room for the new

Start to declutter your life by getting rid of the old to make room for the new 1024 1024 Daniel

Once in a while, I feel overwhelmed and continuously drained. For me, these times and moments make me realize again, that I am carrying (again) a lot of clutter and I realize, that it is again time to start to declutter my life by remembering to wind down and do less while evaluating my life using this process as a chance to refocus on my purpose and goals.

For myself, starting to declutter not only means re-organizing material items, but using this process to evaluate and simplify every aspect of my life.

Focus on purpose

(Re-)Evaluating my current lifestyle while reminding me of what i want to do with my life gives me a lot of energy and momentum to focus on the important aspects in my life while making it easier to get rid of everything which does not really bring value to our lifes and goals.

Decluttering home

Starting with decluttering material items around my home is a great way to start since I believe that somehow the outside clutter also reflects the inside.
From cleaning up the space we live in by getting rid of collected items up to minimizing my wardrobe by discarding and donating clothes, which I haven’t touched for a long time helps me to create a more peaceful and enjoyable living space and thus an overall better sense of well-being around the home.

Decluttering digital life

Usually, the amount of information being broadcasted nowadays through phones and computers is quite overwhelming and I find it really helpful to also review the number of inputs and platforms we allow in our lives. Taking the time to clean up my email inbox while signing off newsletters and blocking advertisements also helps me to reduce digital clutter which doesn´t really bring any value to my life. Digital files on our devices can also be another source of collecting a lot of unnecessary clutter in our lives. I usually backup everything on external hard drives before starting to delete and organize my work and private files. After that, I usually delete any unused app from my phone and also apps, which I can use via a browser from my laptop with the result, that I am looking less on my phone because of receiving fewer notifications. Unfollowing distracting channels and topics on social media also helped me to align my inspiration with my current goals.

Declutter work life

Usually decluttering my office and workspaces helps me a lot to create some more balance in my life while using this process to set again clear goals on how much commitment and time I spend at my job remembering the 80/20 principle. Getting rid of unnecessary paperwork helps me a lot to feel lighter with more energy for the work and tasks ahead.

Declutter the mind

Personally, one of the best ways to clear my mind, as well as decrease stress and anxiety, is to stay away from digital devices the first hour in the morning and the last hour in the evening while practicing mindfulness meditation. Redirecting my thoughts and attention to the present, helps me to be less consumed by the past, future, and worries.

Declutter social life

Decluttering my life while focussing again on what is important for me at this point, goes hand in hand with how and with who I spend the limited time I have every day and therefore I recommend evaluating the people we spend a lot of time within our lives. This doesn´t mean, that you need to cancel friendships, but for me, it means, that I am prioritizing with who I will spend my time within the upcoming weeks and months.

Reminder (to myself): Remembering to keep a minimalistic lifestyle

A reminder to myself is to keep a minimalistic lifestyle, which allows focusing on priorities while creating a better sense of freedom. The important thing to remember is focussing on less does not mean that you have to give up everything in your life; it means choosing what you allow into your life more carefully. For example. now that you’re not spending money on every little new thing, you can instead focus on buying things that bring you real joy rather than just temporary satisfaction. Pick quality over quantity, and you’ll almost always be happy with your choice(s).

Spending a lot more time with yourself than with your possessions helps you also to get to know yourself better while becoming more confident in yourself. You can and will be more confident in your body, in your mind, and even in your home, since you have the time and energy to check in with those things more often.


#changemanagement Expert, #webninja and (詠春 / #WingTsun / #WingChun) #coach with already more than 30 years of experience in empowering people and organizations.

All stories by : Daniel